Numerous members of Plymouth Argaum have been trained by the RFU in safeguarding courtesy of the 'Play It Safe' and 'In Touch' courses.
This includes, Chairman Stuart Quarterman.
Plymouth Argaum have an appointed Safeguarding officer.
Karen Palmer is the clubs lead Children's Safeguarding Officer.
Contact Karen on 07521929338 or
Alternatively, you can contact Stuart Quarterman on 07817428389 or
All committee members and coaches should receive safeguarding training from the RFU by undertaking online training and going on the 'Play It Safe' course.
We aim to have all Executive Committee members and at least one member of each age group trained up to the RFU's 'In Touch' standard.
Please see the various forms below for any further information...
the RFU SAFEGUARDING pages can be found here...
RFU Regulation 21 (SAFEGUARDING) can be found here
Information for Parents and Volunteers can be found here
The Sharing Concerns Flowchart can be found here